Help Identify Key Selling Points That Will Differentiate You From Your Competition

One of the best ways to build a solid foundation for your job search is to identify your core strengths and competencies. This webinar will help you determine those aspects of your personality and experience that will differentiate you from your competition and give you a winning edge. 

Help Define Your Ideal Job

Many job-seekers say, “I just want a job.” That attitude won’t cut it in today’s economy. If you don’t know what you want, how are you going to get it? This webinar will guide you through a step-by- step process that will help you define the job you really want. 

Write Eye-Catching Résumés and Cover Letters

A professional résumé writer can help you produce an appealing résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile with a winning message that will motivate school recruiters to interview you.  Or, you can do it yourself by using some of our tips and recommendations.

December 1, 2021
Don’t Just Interview, GET HIRED!

FROM 6:00PM – 7:30PM, Central Time

Join the DIVERSITY in Ed’s Community Network of Educators on Wednesday for the “7 Steps to a Successful Job Search”. This free online webinar will provide you with a complete roadmap to getting the teaching job you want and the salary you deserve.

Networking and Finding Job Opportunities

Jobs rarely just fall in your lap. Sometimes you have to go out there and create your own opportunities. This webinar will help you decide where and how to network during this holiday season to find the best job opportunities for you. 

Sell Yourself to Get the Interview

There are many ways to find job opportunities. But that alone isn’t enough. You have to convince the hiring manager that you should be considered. The career coaches of this webinar will show you how to sell yourself so recruiters want to grant you an interview. 


The title speaks for itself, so don’t miss this opportunity for tips that’ll make you shine. You’ll also get to ask those questions no one has ever been able to answer for you. Marsha Hudson is a social media guru who has all the best secrets to social media success.

Help You Prepare and Practice for the Interview

Once you’ve secured the job interview, your work has just begun. This webinar will help you prepare for the interview. You will review sample interview questions that are most commonly asked, so you can practice your responses. Knowing what interviewers want is one of the keys to winning the interview. This webinar identifies the top qualities and characteristics that interviewers look for in ideal job candidates. 

Follow Up After the Interview

The job-search process doesn’t end with the interview. To really make yourself stand out from the crowd, you will need to have solid follow-up afterward. The webinar teaches you the proper way to maintain communication after your interview, so you can secure a job offer. The coach will also help you explore the ins and outs of accepting, rejecting and negotiating job offers so you achieve the best eventual outcome — landing the job you want at a salary you love!