The Whole Teacher Movement deals with the belief that each teacher, in each school, in each of our communities deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

By Franchesca Warren

It’s March, and right now every teacher is looking forward to spring break – a time to refresh and gear up for the final stretch of the school year. Over the break, we’ll set new goals for our students, but what about goals we have for ourselves? In teaching, self-care for educators is basically unheard of, and because of this, the teacher turnover rates continue to rise in most schools.

Self-care may be a four-letter word for some, but in particular, this past semester has been difficult, to say the least. We’ve dealt with:

  • The effects of a tension-filled election period with kids emulating their parents and what they see in the media
  • Numerous class changes with students being added and then moved to meet their individual graduation requirements
  • Students who are not on grade level — yet have the daunting task of taking high-stakes testing in less than six months
  • Societal issues of poverty, racism, sexism, classism, etc., that show up in our classroom by the way of innocent children

All in all, we need some time to examine what we need to be mentally and physically healthy. To avoid running on fumes and literally “sputtering” to the end of the year, we must practice self-care. While not revolutionary, it’s simple — teachers, schools and districts need to have an intense focus on the Whole Teacher Movement.

The Whole Teacher Movement deals with the belief that each teacher, in each school, in each of our communities deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

While simple, it’s a revolutionary way to not only engage teachers but to make sure they want to stay in the profession. According to the report, close to 50% of newcomers leave the profession during their first five years of teaching. As you can see, the Whole Teacher Movement has to happen now.

But how do you get school districts to stop and understand that this movement is critical? How do you get them to understand that teachers are not only running on fumes, but are considering leaving because they have nothing more to give?

It starts with understanding what a valuable asset teachers are with not just educating our children but to threads of our society. From there, here are some ways for schools to embrace this Whole Teacher Movement before they find themselves with a staff ready to leave at any movement.

  1. Address teachers’ mental/emotional health throughout the year by programs that address mental health.
  2. Understand that teachers’ jobs are difficult, and staff schools appropriately.
  3. Have teachers’ “backs” when things are brought to the administration that have more to do with pride than teaching ability.
  4. Advocate for policies statewide that protect teachers and their livelihoods in the classroom.
  5. Require teachers be at the “decisionmaking” table when policies/programs are being brought to the district.
  6. Understand that teachers’ personal days are theirs, and they should not be shamed for wanting a day off.
  7. Address bullying concerns from teachers immediately and as swiftly as we do with bullying concerns with students.
  8. Pay your teachers a living wage.
  9. Hold the families in your districts accountable to their students’ education.
  10. Always say thank you for what your teachers do in the classroom.