Ohio State UniversityColumbus, OH
Our students are high-achieving and highly motivated learners with the expectations to match. They organize and lead major university organizations; achieve top recognition of their research; and are committed to using the knowledge they learn in the classroom to better the world around them. And that is just the start.
You will always be proud of earning your degree from the College of Education and Human Ecology in one of our 140 programs, majors and specializations.
Our Mission
To chart a path towards the future, the College of Education and Human Ecology must have a charter that orients its steps. The dean, in partnership with faculty and staff, has developed five core values that represent our mission to serve The Ohio State University, the larger Columbus community, and the state and world in which we live — EXCELLENCE, JUSTICE, DIVERSITY, INNOVATION, INTERNATIONALIZATION.
Quick Info
About Ohio State
As a comprehensive research institution, Ohio State provides boundless opportunities for discovery. Students often partner on research with faculty and students from other colleges. There are numerous opportunities to conduct research and study abroad. Fellowships and other funding are available.
Graduate students in the College of Education and Human Ecology learn side-by-side with highly respected faculty who are accomplished in their fields and dedicated to your success. All this and more, and you begin to understand why Ohio State has the reputation for academic excellence and an innovative premier research university.
The College of Education
Since our beginnings in 1895, the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) has valued learning as a lifelong process. The educators, researchers and professionals we help grow are critical to shaping academic success and health and wellness for generations to come.
To stay one of the best, academic institutions have to change with the times. We’ve evolved and you will receive a better education because of it.
Today, the education we provide is not limited to developing some of Ohio’s best teachers. We train the next generation of our nation’s financial advisors, dietitians, policymakers, exercise scientists, event coordinators, counselors, fashion merchandisers, childhood education researchers and many other experts. Together they improve society and make the human experience better for generations to come.
You can be confident that the education you receive from the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University will be the stepping stone you need to reach your life’s career goals, and to help those you serve reach theirs.
Diversity, Equity & Global Engagement
The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Global Engagement (EDGE) develops, promotes and supports dynamic programming to encourage critical thinking about diversity, equity and inclusion. The office engages in high-quality research, outreach and advocacy efforts focusing on social, civil and educational rights.
What Makes Us different
- PFP @ EHE utilizes a cluster approach to post-doctoral fellows.
- This initiative was designed to attract outstanding and diverse candidates for EHE faculty positions at the end of the 2-year postdoctoral appointment.
- Postdoctoral Scholars who sign on to continue as EHE faculty may be able to apply their final postdoctoral year to the tenure and promotion clock as determined by the hiring unit.
- Fellows engage in comprehensive research, teaching, and mentoring experience including a 2 day campus visit.
- EHE postdoctoral fellows will receive a competitive annual salary with full OSU benefits.
- Annual stipend in the amount of $2000 for conference travel or to support research, teaching and engagement activities.
Our Programs
The Master of Education (M Ed) is a teacher education program designed for you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to earn an initial four-year Ohio license while completing graduate studies and research in your chosen field of study.
All M Ed programs at The Ohio State University are fully accredited through the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), and are consistently ranked among the top premiere programs in the United States.
The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program at The Ohio State University is one of the nation’s preeminent educational programs. Our rich heritage of research and practice, fueled by our renowned faculty, benefit students in the classroom and beyond. In fact, HESA has graduated distinguished scholars, presidents, provosts, deans and other leaders in higher education, the government, non-profit organizations and even the private sector.
The College of Education and Human Ecology Dean’s Diversity Postdoctoral Fellows Program seeks to increase the number of scholars who will contribute to the innovation, vibrancy, and excellence in the college. The PFP @ EHE employs a cohort approach to recruiting 3-6 postdoctoral fellows in EHE for 2-year appointments.
The mission of the PFP @ EHE program is to prepare graduate students and postdoctoral scholars for tenure-track faculty careers in EHE, with emphasis on those with a demonstrable track record of involvement equity, diversity and inclusion in teaching or research. We also seek scholars whose interests align with OSU Discovery Themes or EHE priority areas: social justice and equity, urban and rural education, global engagement, immigration, inclusive education practices.
Our Diversity
At Ohio State, we consider the rich diversity of our students, faculty and staff to be both a defining characteristic and an essential source of our institutional strength.
Founded in 1970, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is one of the oldest and most comprehensive offices of its kind in the nation with a mission to help build Ohio State into a world class model of inclusive academic excellence. With the changing face of the nation itself, the terms “diversity” and “inclusion” have expanded over time to include persons from a growing array of backgrounds, cultures, identities and experiences. Because diversity is dynamic, not static, the university will continue to reflect these changes, understanding that a diverse learning environment benefits everyone.
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Our Dean
He is passionate about using higher education to address issues of equity, economic growth and the psychological well-being of educators and students.
He is a member of the steering committee of Deans for Social Justice and Equity in Education and the incoming chair of the American Psychological Association’s Committee of Ethnic Minority Affairs.
Get In Touch
Teaching & Learning Academic Services
227 Arps Hall
1945 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43210
Telephone: 614-292-2332
Email: tl-academicservices@osu.edu
Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Ohio State University’s policy is to make decisions concerning applicants, students, faculty, and staff on the basis of the individual’s qualifications to contribute to Ohio State’s educational objectives and institutional needs. The principle of not discriminating against individuals based on characteristics such as race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, veteran status, or disability unrelated to job or course of study requirements is consistent with the purposes of a university and with the law.