Ten Ways a Teacher Can Ruin A Job Interview

By Dr. Wafa Hozien

If you are a teacher and looking for your dream job, there’s much to been done in preparation. For starters, you must have a great resume and cover letter. You could be the best fit for a job and have all the qualifications, but lose the opportunity of being hired for your dream job because you didn’t have a great interview. Below is a list of the ways that a future teacher can ruin that interview – just don’t let it happen to you.

If you are about to go on an interview, here are a few mistakes to avoid:

  1. Avoid being too familiar with the interviewer or interviewers, instead be professional and polite. In other words, adopt professional behavior.
  2. Avoid arriving late for an interview. Arrive in plenty of time before the interview, at least 15 minutes early to fill out any necessary papers. If you do, you will be better prepared for the interview.
  3. Avoid being a chatter box. Certainly answer every question, but only give the interviewers the information they want and no more.
  4. Avoid saying anything that could offend a member of a minority group. A teacher is expected to display cultural sensitivity.
  5. Avoid appearing to be uninterested in the school/district by not asking questions at an interview. For any candidate, asking the right questions is key. Be sure to ask questions about salary and benefits.
  6. Avoid making negative comments about others. One of the easiest ways to ruin an interview is to bad-mouth or criticize your past or current employer. If a teacher does this, she/he will appear as unprofessional and even untrustworthy. If asked why are you are leaving your current job, simply say that you are ready for a challenge.
  7. Avoid appearing too eager. You may really want that job, but be sure that you don’t beg for it. No employer wants someone who appears too desperate for a job.
  8. Avoid poor eye-contact. If a teacher does not look at an interviewer or interviewers, this may give the wrong impression. The potential employer may think a candidate has something to hide or lacks the confidence needed to take on that teaching job.
  9. Avoid being improperly dressed by wearing a suit.  If you are not dressed right for an interview, you could ruin it. If you wear a casual attire, you won’t make the right impression and look unprofessional. However, do not be overdressed with fancy jewelry as this could create a bad impression as well.
  10. Avoid appearing unprepared . As a future teacher show that you are organized. You should bring everything required of a teacher like copies of transcripts, certifications, and your qualifications. A teacher should also be mentally prepared and ready to impress at the interview. If a candidate is not prepared they will not be confident and this will ruin any chance they have of getting the job.

Remember these pitfalls and you can appear as the consummate professional and someone who will impress the interviewers. Avoid these mistakes and land that dream job!