
By Dr. Wafa Hozien

Before You Write Your Cover Letter
  • Research the school or school district that is hiring and use what you learn to personalize your letter. This will show that you wrote the cover letter specifically for the position they are looking to fill, and you are interested enough in the job to learn about the school ahead of time. If you call the school or district secretary, that person can usually tell you who is doing the hiring and to whom to address your letter to.
  • Visit the school’s website to find out the names of school’s leader, principal and superintendent. Any or all of them may the one to review your résumé and interview you.
What to Include in the Cover Letter
  • Use a writing style that is less formal than your resume when writing your cover letter. The purpose of your cover letter is to highlight your skills and your accomplishments and to show your sincere interest in filling the position.
  • Following the salutation, the first paragraph should include a thank you for taking the time to review your résumé.
  • Be sure to explain why you are hoping to land the position and specifically name the job title in which you are applying.
  • Think of one or two notable reasons you feel you would be a good fit for the position.  Do not be bashful and always be honest because you want to come across as confident and earnest.
  • In the second paragraph, talk about your education and previous experiences that make you the ideal candidate for the position they are looking to fill.
  • Finally, the third paragraph should include a few closing statements. Express your enthusiasm for the job and how you feel you will be the ideal fit. It is okay to be assertive and say something like, “I look forward to being contacted for an interview.”
  • If you are sending a hard copy cover letter with your resume, remember to sign it.

Here is an example cover letter focused on a teaching position, you can see some of the tips mentioned above used within this letter.