General Tips:
  • Make sure your résumé is simple and clear to read.
  • Do not use or place anything fancy on your résumé.
  • The purpose of the résumé is to convey information not show that you are a graphic designer.
  • With rare exceptions, student teachers and new teachers should keep their résumé to one page. If you have difficulty narrowing down your résumé, consider removing elements that are not closely related to teaching.
  • Focus on only educational experiences. Working in retail does not need to be included if it makes your résumé more than one page.
  • Ask yourself, “Will this experience enhance and support my future in education and teaching?”
  • You should have a ONE PAGE résumé.
Reverse Chronological Order:
  • Within each section on the résumé, your experience must go in reverse chronological order, meaning from new to old.
Accomplishment Statements (Bullet Points):
  • Eliminate the pronoun “I” at the beginning of each bullet point as this is assumed. Avoid introductory and wind-up phrases such as “My duties included…” and “My responsibilities were…” .
  • Describe achievements, rather than listing duties, quantify outcomes whenever possible, and be sure to highlight your proficiency in teaching and transferable skills.
  • Make your resume visually attractive by using an appropriate amount of whitespace to allow the reader’s eye to rest. Using .8 inch to 1.5 inch margins is standard practice.
  • Use a professional font that is easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New are good choices. A 10 to12-point font size is recommended.
  • I always recommend New York Times Roman 12-point font to all of my students.
  • The formatting of a résumé needs to be consistent. For example, if you choose to bold a job title, make sure you bold every job title. Also, make sure that everything lines up neatly on the page.


  • Your résumé, and all other job search materials, must be 100% error free. Be sure to carefully read through your résumé, checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Editing a résumé can always use another set of eyes; have as many people proofread it as possible, and, go to the Career Center. Otherwise, have a friend or relative re-read it for mistakes.
Paper Quality:
  • Use a high quality paper stock (24-32 lb, 25% cotton fiber, 8-1/2 x 11) when mailing your résumé or bringing one to an interview.
  • Use the same paper for cover letters and thank you letters.
  • White, ivory, or light grey are good paper color choices.
  • If printing a résumé, then high quality ivory paper is what I have my students default to.
  • Take three printed copies of your résumé and cover letter to the interview site.


Author: Dr. Wafa Hozien