By Dr. Wafa Hozien

  • Visit your campus career center or make an appointment to see a career counselor regarding your job search planning process
  • Learn as much as possible about the teacher jobs in the area that you would like to live and work
  • Google the school district and learn about its mission and vision. You will need this information in the cover letter to explain why you are a good fit
  • Search online for educator jobs of interest to you, career events and job search related resources
  • Google yourself. Be sure your online persona reflects the qualities of an effective teacher. Delete anything that you find about yourself that is even slightly questionable
  • Start a file to collect artifacts for your professional portfolio (electronic and hard copy) to showcase your experience in an interview
  • Begin creating a professional “teaching” resume; this is a work in-progress and will change with each practicum and student teaching experience. Be sure to update as you gain experience
  • Start a rough draft of a cover letter
  • Begin networking by contacting friends, family, and faculty to inform them of your job search and conduct informational interviews
  • Continue updating and revising your resume and cover letter
  • Collect letters of recommendation from practicum and student teaching experiences. Your references should be able to speak to your teaching ability
  • Register online for the DIVERSITY in Ed Virtual Job Fair on April 6, 2017 (CLICK HERE) and any others in your area
  • Finalize your working and presentation portfolio
  • Prepare and practice for any upcoming interviews and job fairs
  • Attend the DIVERSITY in Ed Virtual Job Fair and others in your area
  • Continue to practice answering interview questions. If you have a webcam, find online resources such as InterviewStream, which allows you to practice web-interviewing from the comfort of your own home
  • Send thank you letters to school districts you interviewed with at job fairs
  • Utilize online job posting systems to identify and apply to open positions locally, nationally, and internationally. Keep a log of job search communications and copies of your applications
  • Hopefully, you’ll have several offers to consider. If you accept an offer, celebrate!
  • If you have not yet received a full-time job offer, consider teacher assistant or substitute teaching opportunities. Positions may continue to open through early fall. Don’t give up!
  • Meet with a career counselors to thank them for help in finding a job or to discuss your job search and analyze what worked and what did not work to prepare for mid-year openings.