Together we can…
For our region, the NWESD provides, a centralized point for the set of services and information relevant to K-12 education in Washington. Through the aggregation and pooling of services, administrative overhead costs are minimized. The result of this centralized approach is highly efficient and cost-effective services for our NWESD partner school districts.
To be an indispensable partner to our region’s school communities.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
“It is important to remember that schools aren’t islands. When students enter our schools and classrooms, the outside world doesn’t shut off. Our students are learning about algebra and reading at the same time they are navigating complex issues in their communities and personal lives. Our job isn’t just to prepare our students academically – it’s our job to teach our students how to be critical thinkers how to express their emotions and feelings in a healthy way, and how to play an active and effective role in their community.”