By: Ericca Victoria

In today’s digitally connected world, networking has become more than just a buzzword — it’s a powerful tool that can help shape your personal and professional success. Whether you’re a teacher, prin- cipal, superintendent or aspiring educator, building a strong network can open doors to opportunities you never thought possible. But networking is more than just exchanging business cards or connecting on LinkedIn. It’s about cultivating genuine relationships, nurturing connections and offering mutual support. According to a study conducted by LinkedIn, 85% of job positions are filled through networking, emphasizing the importance of personal connections in the job market. Additionally, the study found that educa- tors who prioritize networking are more likely to achieve their career goals and experience higher job satisfaction.

Another study published in the Harvard Business Review revealed that individuals with diverse and extensive networks tend to be more innovative and successful. The study found that those who regularly engage in networking activities are more likely to be promoted, earn higher salaries and have access to a wider range of job opportunities.

One exemplary instance of how networking changed the career narrative for an educator is when a friend of mine, a K-12 teacher, used her network to get an opportunity to work for a higher ed institution. She jumped from one job to another, where the school supported and funded her graduate school studies, and later on earned her Master of Education degree.

These statistics and the example above highlight the tangible benefits of networking and provide compel- ling evidence for why investing time and effort into building and nurturing your network is crucial for professional growth.