As the fifth largest district in the United States, Clark County School District serves more than 320,000 students in a variety of urban and rural settings in the most populous region of Nevada. Our diversity defines our community. More than 154 languages are spoken in CCSD classrooms, and our educators, staff, students and families come from across the world to this crossroads of global culture where the city of Las Vegas meets the stunning red rocks of the southwest.
Our Mission
“All students progress in school and graduate prepared to succeed and contribute in a diverse global society.”
Our Vision
Our vision is for all students to graduate as lifelong learners with the knowledge, skill, and character to succeed in a global society.
Our Strategic Plan
Focus: 2024, CCSD’s new five-year strategic plan, offers a blueprint for change. It will take focus and hard work to achieve those goals. It’s not mysterious or complicated. But it will be hard work.
Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our diversity defines our community. More than 154 languages are spoken in CCSD classrooms, and our educators, staff, students, and families come from across our district.
When you grow, we all grow.
Opportunities abound in The Clark County School District (CCSD), one of the largest and fastest growing districts in the United States.
Are you interested in a Teaching or other Licensed Professional position? We are here to support you in acquiring your dream position! Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started.
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