The Reading Quilt
The Reading Quilt is a monthly book review column that celebrates multicultural literature.

By: Dr. R.A Slaughter
DIVERSITY in Ed Contributing Writer
Dr. R. A. Slaughter earned her doctoral degree in Cognitive Studies in Reading at Widener University. Her dissertation explores multicultural literature in private schools through the lens of Critical Pedagogy. Her books titled Turning the Page: The Ultimate Guide for Teachers to Multicultural Literature, and Turning the Page: A Guide to Securing Multicultural Literature for Schools, both published by Rowman & Littlefield, are available in all bookstores. To contact her, email or visit
Photo credit: Chelsea Slaughter
Table of Contents
The Reading Quilt: Africa is My Home
Africa is My Home: A Child of the The Amistad is a story about Black heroism and resilience. In this book, the reader visits Mendeland, West Africa. How much do you know about countries in Africa? What are the best resources to find out more information about Africa, the second largest continent in the world?

The Reading Quilt: Dragons in a Bag
In several ways, Dragons in a Bag is a story about family structure and Black activism. Jaxon and his “grandma” show readers what can happen when an old lady in a velour housecoat can accomplish with the help of a young whipper snapper in sneakers. When unpacking the story and defining certain terms, several strong talking points will become obvious.
The Reading Quilt: The Steam Chasers: The Blackness of Space
In The STEAM Chasers: The Blackness of Space, Shar, Terrence, Ebony, Akiya, Marcus, and Chase are friends who bond over STEAM. These fictional characters exemplify the idea that personal success often depends on your circle of friends.