Instructor of Business and Economics
Pennsylvania State University
Many see the world of distance education as a phenomenon that just came about a couple decades ago, but such is not the case. The notion of distance learning surfaced around the middle of the 19th Century by way of the United States Postal Service. This innovation gave birth to long-distance correspondence and correspondence colleges in which instructional materials were delivered by the United States Postal Service. An interaction between pupils and educators sparked a new method of delivering instruction. Due to the emergence of the World Wide Web, contemporary academia is utilizing online instruction, along with Brick and Mortar and other instructional methods, to fulfill the needs of all stakeholders in academia. In contemporary education, 1 out of 4 college pupils are registered in a minimum of one online class. Presently, 83% of all United States academic institutions that provide online courses, report that this trend will continue adding a plethora of students, representing diverse demographics and profiles, to their online programs (
Diversity among learners and teachers can create complexities associated with preferred instructional methods and learning styles, including the educational entities and students who participate in online education. Therefore, it is imperative for all academic institutions, including their educators, administrators, and support staff to comprehend and make available various methods that meet the needs of all pupils. Teaching and learning are progressive processes and in order for them to be successful, educators must understand that students learn through a myriad of teaching models, which can include synchronous (interactions with pupils and educators at the same time) and asynchronous (interactions between students and educators at different times) methods. Audible (hearing), optical (visual), and kinesthetic (hands-on) methods, can and should be used so that all students can learn individually or within teams. Short instruction, video clips, exercises, role playing, and presentations are just a few of the diverse instructional methods that can be employed within not only a brick and mortar institution, but through online instruction.
Finally, the way students are assessed should also be taken into consideration. There is no “one-size-fits-all” in terms of assessment. Therefore, making use of traditional tests (e.g., multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, essay) should be replaced or supplemented with other methods of assessment such as individual papers and team projects or assignments. Diverse types of assessment provide learners with more avenues to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Remember; traditional finals are excellent ways to assess pupil learning, but an overall capstone or an amalgamated project that is designed as an educational academic experience for pupils is just as proficient in terms of final learning outcomes. Being able to empower and motivate students is equally as imperative as the methods applied and helps to set the tone and environment of the class. An educator that is prepared, flexible, adaptable, and able to teach using a variety of instructional approaches and methods, will generate successful learning experiences, as well as scholarship in general, regardless of where the learning takes place.

Dr. Scott Glenn, MBA, Ed.D
Instructor of Business and Economics, Pennsylvania State University
A proud United States Marine, Dr. Scott Glenn is a diverse individual with a well- rounded background that includes teaching and administration in both the public and private school sector in secondary and postsecondary academia, coaching, a sound career in the military, and profound involvement in sport. Dr. Glenn has written 7 books and a plethora of articles and is becoming known as a pragmatic philosopher who explores, dissects, and reviews such aspects as religion, governmental facets, and educational issues.
Dr. Scott Glenn’s book, Heroes from Heaven (2016) completed a successful Barnes and Noble book tour from the east coast NY, NJ, PA, DE, WV, MD, and DE, ending in Burbank, CA. The book has been made into a screenplay and has won numerous awards including Best Script, Fan favorite, Best Writer selected by the Christian Film festival (2017). Hollywood Weekly Magazine featured Dr. Glenn in their September 2017 Special Emmy Edition which included many celebrities including the amazing Dolly Parton. Dr. Glenn was also featured in the February Black History Edition (2018) both on the front cover and exclusively inside the magazine. This edition featured him along with sports star LeBron James and comedian Kevin Hart just to name a few.

Heroes From Heaven
About the Movie
It’s 2145. The world’s in turmoil as quality leadership has been lacking for more than 100 years and the selfish mindset of the mass seems to be the musical theme throughout. This didn’t happen over night, the writing was on the wall since the beginning of time, a spell that by now had amplified times 7. The pathetic leaders of before threw our morals, values and ethics out of the window believing they could outsmart the Divine, in some shape or form. Fools! The world’s now divided into 7 Alliance Continents, with their own wicked rulers. Their Law is simple: Neglect any type of religion and loathe women. Obey not and you meet your destiny: Instant death or Hatred Camp, a faith far worse. There’s no escape possible and we need help, real help and fast as time’s running out…Then, when the Heroes From Above come down it’s salvation at last. In the 7 day War against the Alliance Continents they wash away all evil around the world with stronghold and correction, making all things new and good.
Movie website