Every school needs great teachers, but great teachers are not always easy to find. Sometimes, you will need to step out on a limb, hire a brand new teacher, and wait to see them evolve into that great teacher. The question, of course, is how do you know that will be the outcome? It is often easier to keep the great teachers you already have, rather than try to find a new faculty member. At Diversity in Ed, we cannot offer guarantees, but we can provide solid guidelines for keeping your excellently qualified educators. Continue reading to learn what you should be aware of when it comes to retaining your teachers.

Why Teachers Give Up

Sometimes the best way to find top candidates for your school is to learn how to keep them. Most people know that the majority of teachers in any given year is female. Regardless of gender or ethnicity, there has been an upward trend in both turnover and drop-out rates for teachers. We will take a look at some of the reasons why teachers are leaving their jobs, and how you can address these needs. The top reasons provided are:

  1. Need an increased salary
  2. Greater rewards and/or recognition
  3. Improved working conditions

Need For Increased Salary

It is common knowledge that no one goes into the field of education to make money. People who gravitate towards education do so because of their love for helping others, and a passion for their field. Naturally, many teaching candidates are women, as the educational field provides the opportunity for them to express the nurturing side of their personalities. Men are typically the ones who are still paid more, which means that there is not a lot of diversity in the field of educators. In order to support diversity in your school, and to retain the great teachers you already have, Diversity in Ed. strongly recommends evaluating the importance of increasing salaries. Contact us today to learn more about how you can make this work for your school.

Rewards and Recognition

Most people enjoy being recognized for their hard work. It is important to know that the work we do is appreciated and valued. One way to increase rewards for your teachers is to link small pay increases with certain accomplishments. The specifics of this would be at the discretion of your school leadership. Another way to create a strong sense of appreciation is to recognize your teachers for their various achievements. Appreciation can take many forms such as, mentioning their accomplishment in a school-wide email, or providing a thank you card with a gift card enclosed. A little appreciation goes a long way towards building a solid relationship with your teachers. 

Improved Working Conditions

Often there are times when teachers work many hours significantly over the standard 40-hour work week, yet they receive no overtime. Teachers are expected to be at school before the day officially starts, and to stay well after the final bell. As a result, teachers are asked to give of themselves for a much longer period of time than what they are actually paid for. Diversity in Ed. suggests that you tell parents they may not enter the building in the morning without a scheduled appointment. This will communicate to teachers that you know their time is valuable and will allow them to prepare for their day.