
Latest Past Events

Milwaukee Public Schools Job Fair

921 W Meinecke Ave 921 W Meinecke Ave, Milwaukee

Milwaukee Public Schools will host job fairs this summer to attract teachers, paraprofessionals, and school nutrition and building operations staff. Attend a job fair to learn more and apply on […]

Teacher Insight Job Fair at Lincoln Park

Lincoln Park Middle School (All Purpose Room) 90 Ryerson Road, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035, Lincoln Park

To get started on your application, please visit www.workwithinsight.com/apply-now/. Please bring two forms of ID that satisfy the I-9 requirement to this onboarding session (a complete list can be found […]

Teacher-Powered Schools National Conference

Boston Hyatt Regency, One Avenue de Lafayette

Join us in Boston to explore how teachers in very different schools across the country are using shared leadership and collaborative decision making to design and run student-centered schools! Share and grow together with local and national networking. Learn from practitioners in powerful breakout sessions for schools in all stages.

$254.15 – $399