
Massachusetts Partnership for DIVERSITY in EDUCATION

Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School

The Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education is committed to recruiting and assisting in producing career opportunities for educators and administrators from diverse backgrounds and forming collaborative relationships that will enhance staff diversity within our school districts. Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education is formerly the Affirmative Action Recruitment Consortium of Eastern Massachusetts (AARC). MPDE is […]

Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD)

California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway Room CE-305, San Bernardino, CA

Join Us California State University, San Bernardino is pleased to announce the Annual LEAD Week (Latino Education and Advocacy Days). Are you ready to make a difference in the Latino community? Are you ready to connect with and be part of Latino educational leadership? Are you ready to find cross-sector solutions to improve the education […]

Washington Educator Career Fair 2018

Spokane Convention Center 334 WEST SPOKANE FALLS BLVD., Spokane, WA

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION Spokane Spokane Fair Early Bird registration: Early bird registration closes March 1, 2018.  The cost for online Early Bird Registration is $20.00 payable by credit/debit card only. […]

2018 Oregon Professional Educator Fair

Oregon Convention Center in Portland 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR

Hundreds of school districts and agencies with positions to fill Thousands of qualified candidates One shared goal – surrounding students with the best people in education The Oregon Professional Educator […]

DSST Public Schools Diversity Teacher Job Fair

DSST Public Schools (Virtual Event) 3401 Quebec St., Denver, CO

Are you a passionate and enthusiastic bilingual, multicultural or diverse teacher? Are you a qualified math, science, ELA, history, music, art, foreign language, physical education or Special-Ed teacher in Colorado who would like to teach at DSST Public Schools? If so, register at https://vfair.diversityined.com to attend the Virtual Teacher Recruitment Fair on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 9 am to 5 […]


Life Source International Charter School – Diversity Teacher Job Fair

Life Source International Charter School (Virtual Event) 44339 Beech Ave., Lancaster, CA

Are you a passionate and enthusiastic bilingual, multicultural or diverse teacher? Are you a qualified math, science, ELA, history, music, art, foreign language, physical education or Special-Ed teacher in California who would like to teach at Life Source International Charter School? If so, register at https://vfair.diversityined.com to attend the Virtual Teacher Recruitment Fair on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from […]


Achievement First Diversity Teacher Job Fair

Virtual Event 335 Adams St., Suite 700, New York, NY

Are you a passionate and enthusiastic bilingual, multicultural or diverse teacher? Are you a qualified math, science, ELA, history, music, art, foreign language, physical education or Special-Ed teacher in New York who would like to teach at Achievement First? If so, register at https://vfair.diversityined.com to attend the Virtual Teacher Recruitment Fair on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 9 am to 5 […]


Alaska Teacher Placement Diversity Teacher Job Fair

Virtual Event P.O. Box 755400, Fairbanks, AK

Are you a passionate and enthusiastic bilingual, multicultural or diverse teacher? Are you a qualified math, science, ELA, history, music, art, foreign language, physical education or Special-Ed teacher in Alaska who would like to teach at Alaska Teacher Placement? If so, register at https://vfair.diversityined.com to attend the Virtual Teacher Recruitment Fair on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 9 am to […]
