A Platinum Partner

Princeton Public Schools

The Princeton Public School District is among the best public school districts in New Jersey and in the nation. Our schools are places where every child is known, and where joy and purpose are woven into our approach to learning. We value innovation. We strive for high academic achievement for everyone, and we foster lifelong learning as we help everyone find their own pathways to success.

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Our mission is to prepare all of our students to lead lives of joy and purpose as knowledgeable, creative and compassionate citizens of a global society.

To achieve our mission, we strive to stay true to our values of partnership, innovation, and care.

Our schools are places of partnership where educators work closely with one another, where relationships with families are forged, and where collaborations with individuals and organizations across our community and throughout the world support the highest levels of teaching and learning.

Our schools are places of innovation where curiosity is sparked, risk-taking is encouraged, and where problems are viewed as opportunities for deeper understanding and creative solutions.

Our schools are places of care where every child is known, every culture valued, and where kindness and courage are modeled.


Global Influence

Our diverse student population includes students from all around the world. 22% of our students claim a language other than English as their first tongue, and more than 50 languages are spoken by our families in their homes, including Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French, Arabic, Korean, German, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Hungarian, Burmese and Hebrew.


Our Teacher Career Pathway

The Princeton Public School District is proud to be a diverse district, with students from many different backgrounds and cultures attending our schools. We know how important it is for students to see educators who look like them in positions of leadership in their classrooms and schools. We also know that the more diversity we have among our educators, the better our schools will be for all students. Our goal is to attract, develop, inspire, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment, and to foster pride in our vision, mission, and values among all employees.

More than 72% of our teachers have advanced degrees beyond a bachelor’s degree. Our staff are highly caring, value innovation, and work collaboratively with colleagues and families to support the highest levels of teaching and learning.

A Word From Our


We encourage creativity, innovation and risk-taking in our teaching and in how our students learn. We instill passion in each individual to be a lifelong learner and acknowledge that there are many pathways to success. We model a culture of collaboration and civility with open communication and sharing of ideas among all stakeholders. We inspire curiosity, exploration and problem solving to understand our world and our place within it. We challenge each of our students appropriately and creatively, and we empower them to embrace the act of striving as an opportunity for growth. We value rigorous learning and high academic achievement for all students. We believe wellness, balance, and positive emotions are integral to our students’ optimal performance both within and beyond the classroom. We empower all individuals to demonstrate character and compassion as they listen, lead and make a positive impact in our world. We embrace our unique and valuable community resources and expertise, and we strive to use them wisely. And, we celebrate the diversity of cultures within our community and ensure equal access and opportunity for all.

-Dr. Barry Galasso

Our practice

Valuing Diversity

The Princeton Public School District is proud to be a diverse district, with students from many different backgrounds and cultures attending our schools. We know how important it is for students to see educators who look like them in positions of leadership in their classrooms and schools. We also know that the more diversity we have among our educators, the better our schools will be for all students. Our goal is to attract, develop, inspire, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment, and to foster pride in our vision, mission, and values among all employees. 

Investing in a Diverse Staff

The Princeton Public School District is proud to be a diverse district, with students from many different backgrounds and cultures attending our schools. We know how important it is for students to see educators who look like them in positions of leadership in their classrooms and schools. We also know that the more diversity we have among our educators, the better our schools will be for all students. Our goal is to attract, develop, inspire, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment, and to foster pride in our vision, mission, and values among all employees.

Cultural Responsiveness

Princeton Public Schools is working on increasing racial literacy and cultural responsiveness among both our staff and our students. Racial literacy can be defined in terms of understanding the experiences and perspectives of those whose cultures and colors might be different than our own. Racial literacy can be defined in terms of our awareness of our own biases. And racial literacy can be defined in terms of our willingness and ability to honestly acknowledge racial issues as they arise and work to address them. As a district, we are striving to do all of those things.




Starting Salary — bachelor's Degree

Starting Salary — Master's Degree

Get In Touch

Princeton Public Schools

Live to Learn, Learn to Live

25 Valley Road, Princeton NJ 08540
Ph: 609.806.4200

Employment Opportunities

Are you passionate about education? Do you use innovative approaches to teaching that spark students’ curiosity and engage your classes in deeper levels of learning? Is equity integral to your work? We want you on our team!