Erie’s Public Schools serve the City of Erie in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Erie is the state’s fourth-largest city with an estimated population of 98,593. The school district enrollment is approximately 10,000 across 16 public schools. The City is the seat of government for Erie County with a total land area of 19.3 square miles.
The district was organized in 1870, but its first school dates back to 1860. From its initial enrollment of 3,700 students in 1870 to 10,000 students today, the District has provided high quality public education to City students. We remain committed to fostering an environment of high expectations, trust, collaboration and respect with the recognition that all students can learn.
Our Mission
In Erie’s Public Schools, we champion high levels of student engagement and personalized pathways to educational excellence for every student, without exception.
Our Commitment
Our DEI Statement
Erie’s Public Schools’ Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion aims to strengthen and improve our district by focusing on diversifying the district’s instructional and non-instructional staff. This will help ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all students by providing resources and support that both students and staff need to succeed, and ensuring that all students, staff and parents feel safe, welcomed and accepted.
Erie’s Public Schools is a PBIS district. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed. Click here to learn more about PBIS.
Our Strategic Plan
Our Staff
The Human Resource Department at Erie’s Public Schools is committed to championing employee engagement with a strong focus on approval, ensuring high levels of compliance and customer service where employees feel valued.