2022-23 Campaign Partner
About Us
OUR MISSION at Winchester Public Schools, a vibrant and diverse community of learners, is to have the courage and commitment to inspire every student’s passion for excellence in learning. This is accomplished through innovative instruction and the empowerment of every student by a dedicated staff, committed families, and dynamic community partnerships. This educational experience is indicative of the community that supports it. The City of Winchester knows that every student’s success is paramount to the success of the city, creating a richly supportive environment between the school, and the community as a whole.
WPS’ richly diverse students hail from all over the world and speak a vast array of languages!
We ensure students have the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to embrace rigorous challenges, navigate personalized pathways, and enrich their civic communities.

We ensure students have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to embrace rigorous challenges, navigate personalized pathways, and enrich their civic communities.
We aspire to be an inclusive community that empowers all students to thrive.
Our Culture, Diversity & Equity
Equity in education is a significant challenge nationwide. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2017 the majority of public-school students were students of color, and more than half of public school students qualify for subsidized meals due to low family income. Public education has struggled to serve these students both adequately and equitably. When inequity in education persists, there is a cost to all involved including missed opportunities for economic development, greater dependence on government supports, and fewer Americans ready to serve and lead. School board members, superintendents, teachers, and families play a critical role in creating a climate and curriculum where all students receive the resources they need, so they graduate prepared for success after high school. (VSBA Newsletter, 2020)

Our Recruitment
Winchester Public Schools is a great place to work and in Human Resources we are committed to investing in our greatest asset – our employees. Whether you are considering coming to work here, having your first day, have been with us for a while, or are celebrating your retirement we are here to support you in every step of your career.