Prince William County Public Schools

Providing a world-class educationPWCS is often asked by education officials to share its innovative programs. PWCS led state efforts to develop the Standards of Learning (SOL) for science and was the first school division in Virginia to restructure its curriculum. It also was the first to develop its own performance tests. As a result, the state followed the PWCS model for the SOL testing program.
PWCS programs, administration, staff, and students are often cited as positive models by regional, state, and national organizations. Three years in a row, Prince William County ranked among the Nation’s 100 Best Communities for Young People by America’s Promise Alliance and ING. “The Washington Post” High School Challenge ranks PWCS high schools among the top 9% in the nation.
- International Society for Technology in Education Distinguished District Award, 2020
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers Award, 2020
- National American Civic Education Teacher Awards, 2020
- National Association of Secondary Principals, Digital Principal of the Year, 2020
- Virginia Board of Education Exemplar Performance Awards, 2019, 2020
In Prince William County Public Schools, all students will learn to their fullest potential. The education of each student will be individualized and developmentally appropriate. Student learning will be enhanced by national, global, and multicultural perspectives. Students who graduate from Prince William County Public Schools will possess the basic knowledge and skills that will assure their proficiency in problem solving and the use of technology. Graduates will have a desire to learn and the skills to be lifelong learners. They will be responsible citizens. All graduates will be competent to enter the work world and prepared to pursue advanced educational opportunities.
Providing A World-Class Education means…
- The focus is on all students learning and achieving high standards.
- Instruction is engaging and rigorous.
- Reading and writing literacy is taught in all content areas.
- We support the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students.
- We support the Developmental Assets® for students.
- Schools and offices are inviting, welcoming, and customer oriented.
- We will accomplish our Strategic Plan by working together.
PWCS is committed to inclusive practices and equity to promote excellence for all. As a school community, our commitment to equity will be achieved by:
- Providing all students and staff with access to resources, opportunities, supports and interventions, to ensure that they maximize their abilities and potential.
- Providing all PWCS students and staff with resources and opportunities that align to their unique levels of need, to meet their learning, health, and safety requirements.
- Raising the achievement of all students while working to eliminate learning disparities.
- Assuring all PWCS staff members examine and interrupt beliefs, implicit and explicit biases, policies and/or practices that perpetuate systemic racism and discrimination.
- Engaging parents, guardians, and the community in Division and school programs to build connections, provide support, and foster relationships with the goal of ensuring our institutional, curricular, and instructional practices are more transparent and inclusive, relevant, meaningful, and supportive in the academic and social development of all learners.
- Examining and revising our curricular and teaching practices to ensure that they are culturally relevant and representative of the achievements of our diverse community in order to meet the social and academic needs and expectations of each student.
- Recruiting and retaining staff members who reflect the rich diversity of our community and who work to achieve equity and excellence for all students.
- Preparing all students to succeed in a multicultural, global society by teaching the contributions and viewpoints of all people in culturally relevant curricula.
About Us
Who are we?
In Prince William County Public Schools, all students will learn to their fullest potential. The education of each student will be individualized and developmentally appropriate. Student learning will be enhanced by national, global, and multicultural perspectives. Students who graduate from Prince William County Public Schools will possess the basic knowledge and skills that will assure their proficiency in problem-solving and the use of technology. Graduates will have a desire to learn and the skills to be lifelong learners. They will be responsible citizens. All graduates will be competent to enter the work world and prepared to pursue advanced educational opportunities.
District Office
14715 Bristow Road,
Manassas, Virginia, 20112
Phone: 703-791-7200
Dr. LaTanya D. McDade was appointed July 1, 2021, as the Superintendent for Prince William County Public Schools, which is the second-largest Division in Virginia and serves more than 90,000 students. She is the first woman and first African American to serve as Superintendent of the School Division. During her first seven months in office, she launched Vision 2025 Launching Thriving Futures. This ambitious four-year strategic plan serves as a framework for ensuring every student in Prince William County graduates with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to create a thriving future for themselves and their community.
Dr. McDade deeply understands school communities and knows how to support their academic growth. She is dedicated to the field of education and passionate about improving the quality of life for all children through a lens of equity. Her mantra, Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
Starting Salary
Career opportunities
District Office
14715 Bristow Rd.,
Manassas, Virginia 20112
Telephone: 703-791-7200
School Hours: M-F: 8:00am – 4:30pm