Teachers CollegeNew York, NY
Creating a Smarter, Healthier & More Equitable World
When we speak of education, we mean education writ large — the study of how people learn, and how they should be taught, in all fields. And that, ultimately, is why we continue to proudly call ourselves…Teachers College.
Our Visionaries
Since our founding in the late 19th Century, Teachers College has drawn together visionaries who aspire to make the world a better place for all. Today our alumni network is 90,000 strong. These innovators span the globe, leading in every field at every level. As a student at TC, you will be inspired — and prepared — to follow their lead.
Quick Info
About Teachers College
Our name notwithstanding, Teachers College was founded on the proposition that education alone can’t correct our society’s inequalities — that to maximize the life chances of all people, we must also support poorer communities’ physical and nutritional health and psychological wellbeing. Thus, fields such as education psychology, nursing education, nutrition education, special education, conflict resolution and spirituality and education were created at TC, and for more than a century we have prepared psychologists, nutritionists, health educators, speech pathologists and other professionals, as well as teachers and school leaders.
Office of Diversity & Community Affairs
The Office for Diversity and Community Affairs was created in January 2001, in response to recommendations of the President’s 1999 Taskforce Report. The Office for Diversity and Community Affairs leads the President’s and College’s initiatives concerning community, diversity, civility, equity, and anti-discrimination. The Office, working with others in the College, addresses issues from faculty, staff, students, and alumni. These concerns may overlap with equity, anti-discrimination, retaliation and due process concerns, sexual assault and other gender-based misconduct concerns. The philosophy is to encourage the College community to listen, learn, educate, and work together in positive ways. At the same time, the Office focuses on systemic issues by addressing policy and procedural concerns.
Our Students at a Glance
There are 5,023 students enrolled at Teachers College. Approximately 77 percent are women, and among US Citizens, 13.3 percent are African American, 14.6 percent are Asian American, 13.5 percent are Hispanic / Latino/a, and 3.5 percent have identified with two or more ethnicities. The student body is composed of 20.4 percent international students from seventy-seven different countries and nearly 80 percent domestic students from forty-eight states and the District of Columbia.
Our Programs
Academic Year 2019-2020
Teachers College, Columbia University, is the largest and most comprehensive graduate school of education in the United States. Its programs span education, psychology and health fields. Located in New York City, the College has a diverse culture, with minority students comprising over one-third of the student body.
The Minority Postdoctoral Fellowship Program seeks to promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty at Teachers College. The program does this by advancing the careers of individuals from groups in U.S. society that have been historically underrepresented in the academic profession. It provides recent doctorate recipients the opportunity to develop a program of research and participate as an active community member in the life of a graduate research university. Recipient must be self-motivated and able to work independently on his or her own research project.
Teachers College Fulbright Program Advisor: Professor John Allegrante
The Fulbright Program is the flagship international exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government offering opportunities for U.S. students, teachers, professionals, and scholars to study, teach, lecture, and conduct research in more than 160 countries, and to their foreign counterparts to engage in similar activities in the United States. Established by the U.S. Congress in 1946 under legislation introduced by the late Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Fulbright Program was created to “enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.” More than 360,000 “Fulbrighters” have participated in the Program since its inception 70 years ago. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 8,000 grants annually and currently operates in over 160 countries worldwide.
Our Diversity
Teachers College, Columbia University, strives to establish an institution that actively attracts, supports, and retains diverse students, faculty, and staff, demonstrated through its commitment to social justice, its respectful and vibrant community, and its encouragement and support of each individual in the achievement of their potential.
Virtual Tour of Columbia University
Our Dean
“TC has so many visible and highly engaged scholars. There’s so much opportunity to connect with New York City and its public schools and to reap the benefits of being in such a diverse and dynamic place.”
Get In Touch
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Telephone: (212) 678-3000
Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
Continuing its long-standing policy to support active equality for all persons, Teachers College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, gender expression or any other criterion specified by federal, state or local laws, in the administration of its admissions, employment and educational policies or scholarship, loan, athletic and other school-administered programs. Rather, Teachers College affirms that it admits students and selects employees regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, gender expression or any other criterion specified by federal, state or local laws and thereafter accords them all the rights and privileges generally made available to students or employees at the school.