2021-22 Campaign Partner


About Us

The Penfield Central School District is located in suburban Rochester, N.Y. and covers nearly 50 square miles, including sections of six towns – Penfield, Brighton, Perinton, Pittsford, Macedon and Walworth. The district serves approximately 4,500 students in grades K-12 at its six schools.

In the Penfield Central Schools community, students discover and adults rediscover the joys, challenges and satisfactions of learning. Students are encouraged to pursue their learning through investigation, inquiry, and reflection, while teachers provide structure and guidance. Learners are challenged to achieve high academic and personal standards so that they can make a difference in their lives and in the communities in which they live.


Our Mission & Vision Statements

District Mission Statement

In the Penfield Central School District, we are all learners who work collaboratively in an environment of educational excellence, providing experiences that develop the individual and diverse talents and abilities of all our students to prepare them for successful lives as life-long scholars and contributing, responsible citizens.

District Vision Statement
Penfield Schools will be communities of learners, places where all participants, students, staff, parents and community are engaged in learning and teaching in an environment of respectful communication. Our schools will be places where students discover and adults rediscover the joys, challenges and satisfactions of learning.


Our Culture, Diversity & Equity

Core Beliefs

  • All students have the inherent desire and capacity to develop their unique potentials. Providing the leadership and resources for learning is the shared responsibility of families, students, teachers and community.
  • Learning happens best in a safe environment, which respects the individual, values diversity and encourages effort.
  • Learning results from engagement in relevant, purposeful activities. That learning occurs is more important than when it occurs.

Our Recruitment

Preliminary Interview

During the preliminary interview, you will discuss various instructional strategies and approaches, as well as your professional goals. After the inter- view, telephone reference checks will be made.

Upon completion of these checks, a letter will be sent to you regarding your placement on the Dis- trict’s approved teacher candidate list. This list isdistributed to the building principals and program directors.

Candidates on the approved list will be consid- ered for any long-term and full-time openings that may occur in the District.

Our Teachers


The new teacher will be invited to New Teacher Orientation in late August. The teacher will receive an overview of the District’s educational goals, cur- riculum, and technology and will develop collegial support with Penfield teachers and administrators.

Mentor Program

Strong mentor teacher support is provided to discuss concerns, provide feedback, reinforce strengths, and encourage growth as a professional teacher. Support meetings and in-service opportunities are offered throughout the year to reinforce educational goals.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The Penfield Central School District is committed to eliminating harassment, bullying and/or discrimination from our school community.  We believe that a student’s ability to learn and to meet high academic standards, and a school’s ability to educate its students is compromised by incidents of harassment, including taunting, hazing, intimidation, and bullying, and/or discrimination.  Employees, students or community members who have witnessed harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, or have reliable information that a student has been subject to harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, are encouraged to report the incident to a school administrator immediately.

District Phone Number: (585) 249-5700
District Office Fax: (585) 248-8412
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 900, Penfield, NY 14526
Street Address: 2590 Atlantic Ave., Rochester, NY 14625