Catlin Gabel SchoolABOUT US
Located in Portland, OR, Catlin Gabel is Portland’s nationally recognized progressive independent day school where teachers build transforming relationships with each student, honoring each child’s innate capacities, encouraging exploration, welcoming questions, and always presenting new intellectual and creative challenges to our young scientists, storytellers, artists, and athletes.
Diversity & Inclusion
We believe a diverse community is integral to maintaining a relevant, future-focused school. A community of diverse learners with different perspectives and life experiences is essential for deep learning and real-world preparation. We foster an environment in which students and adults are curious and supportive, and strive to recognize each person for their unique contributions.
Thank you for considering a career with Catlin Gabel. Catlin Gabel faculty and staff form a supportive community of professionals dedicated to individuality, academics, and lifelong learning. We take pride in being an inclusive community, and believe that diversity – in our students, families, faculty, and staff – is essential to our individual and collective success.

Catlin Gabel supports inspired learning leading to responsible action through dedicated teaching, caring relationships, a challenging curriculum, and community service. We value each person’s effort, imagination, and positive contributions to the community. We celebrate being inclusive and the partnership between family and school.
Get In Touch
Catlin Gabel School
8825 SW Barnes Road
Portland, OR 97225
Phone: 503-297-1894
Fax: 503-297-0139
Office Hours
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday
Non-Discrimination Policy
Catlin Gabel does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, genetic information, or any other status protected under local, state or federal laws in admission of otherwise qualified students or in providing access to the rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally available to all students and their families, including educational policies, scholarship and other financial aid programs, or athletic, extra-curricular, and other school-administered programs and activities. Similarly, Catlin Gabel does not discriminate in hiring or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, genetic information, or other protected status under local, state or federal equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.
You are encouraged to bring questions or concerns about any type of discrimination to the attention of the director of human resources or head of school. You can raise concerns and make reports in good faith without fear of reprisal. All reports of discrimination will be investigated promptly in as confidential a manner as possible.