Florida International University
Job Listings

Our Mission


FIU started with a vision to build a public university in Miami, an institution that could create opportunity for an evolving, dynamic city. Less than 50 years later that vision became a Carnegie Foundation top-ranked research university. What started on an abandoned airstrip became a leading cultural institution, a community of 200,000 alumni and a solution center for the challenges of the future.

FIU was built to bring opportunity within your reach. What will you do with your opportunity? How will you be worlds ahead?


Looking for amazing FACULTY

The Diversity Advocate Program is a pilot program for tenure-line searches in STEM and the social behavioral sciences, which will be rolled out for all searches over the next three years.

Diversity advocates will help with extra recruitment efforts aimed at direct and personal contact, encourage the committee to utilize best practices in evaluating diverse applicant pools, and guide the committee to make certain that the search process is free of bias or stereotyping of applicants in verbal or written communication, ensures that candidates are evaluated fairly, and provides similar opportunities for each candidate and follows interview procedures that treat all applicants consistently.

Get In Touch


11200 SW 8th Street, PC 230
Miami, Florida 33199

Telephone: (305) 348-3787

Email: advance@fiu.edu

Office Hours: M-F: 8am – 4pm


Strategy: Academic Affairs, Colleges, and departments will create diversity and inclusion action plans. Plans should be feasible, specific, and achievable. Deans (and Chairs and faculty liaisons) will be accountable for meeting planned goals.

Key Goals to Achieve

  1. To increase the representation of faculty from historically underrepresented groups (URGs), such as women in STEM, African-American and Hispanic-American faculty in all fields.

  2. To provide an equitable and supportive institutional climate for underrepresented groups ie, women, racial/ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ people, and persons with disabilities) at the faculty and graduate and undergraduate student levels.

  3. To ensure a welcoming environment for all faculty, students, and staff.