A Silver Partner
Holt Public Schools
Holt Public Schools is a the 51stlargest school district Michigan. Our suburban mid-Michigan learning community has approximately 5550 students. Here at Holt Public Schools, we are driven to maximize student learning by promoting positive behaviors and are most honored to serve you, embracing the opportunity to celebrate the past and inspire the future of Holt Public Schools!
OUR Vision
Innovate: We innovate to solve complex problems.
Educate: We educate to achieve our goals.
Inspire: We inspire efficacy to make a positive impact on the world.
The District lives by the vision of innovate, educate and inspire, to provide a strong educational environment for all of our students. Holt Public Schools prioritizes staff professional development, including mentorship, and leadership opportunities. We value staff input/collaboration in building and District decisions.
Teach. Learn. Love.
Holt Public Schools community and student body is diverse with 38 % representing multi-cultural and ethnic populations. Holt Public is committed to hiring staff that matches the identities of our students and community. We value diversity in our staff and their ability to develop relationships with students, through Multi-Tiered System of Support, STEM/LEGO, Makerspaces, Challenge Day, Restorative Justice Programs and a plethora of school enrichment activities embedded in the daily educational plans.
The District is a close knit community of professional educators who work as a team and support one another like family. We encourage you to come join the Holt family!

Welcome to Holt Public Schools
All of our schools are equipped with up-to-date technology and media centers/libraries. Our Early Learning Center offers programs and care for children from infant to preschool age, and Holt Community Education offers child care for K-6 students and enrichment programs for school-aged students through senior citizens. The faculty and staff of Holt Public Schools are ready to connect with you!
-Dr. David Hornak
Our practice
A Wonderful world of education
It’s a Wonderful Year to be a Holt Ram!! We would LOVE that you join us on a Wonderful Journey into the World of Imagination!
Holt Public Schools community and student body is diverse with 38 % representing multi-cultural and ethnic populations. Holt Public is committed to hiring staff that matches the identities of our students and community. We value diversity in our staff and their ability to develop relationships with students, through Multi-Tiered System of Support, STEM/LEGO, Makerspaces, Challenge Day, Restorative Justice Programs and a plethora of school enrichment activities embedded in the daily educational plans.
The Holt Education Foundation, founded in 1993, is a non-profit organization that partners with Holt Public Schools to sponsor innovative and enhanced teaching and learning projects in our classrooms through competitive mini-grants. To date, over $396,000 in grants have been awarded! In addition, the Education Foundation awards the Margaret Livensparger Scholarship annually to a high school senior who has exhibited exceptional talent in the performing arts.
Starting Salary
Get In Touch
Holt Public Schools
Human Resources Office
5780 W. Holt Rd., Holt, MI 48842
Phone: 517-694-0401
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 3pm
Nondiscrimination Statement
It is the policy of the Board of Education and the Holt Public Schools not to unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, handicap or disability. The District reaffirms its long-standing policy of compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.