A Gold Partner
Clark County School DistrictAs the fifth largest district in the United States, Clark County School District serves more than 320,000 students in a variety of urban and rural settings in the most populous region of Nevada. Our diversity defines our community. More than 154 languages are spoken in CCSD classrooms, and our educators, staff, students and families come from across the world to this crossroads of global culture where the city of Las Vegas meets the stunning red rocks of the southwest.
Every day of the school year, in every classroom in our district, we are focused on providing academic services that prepare all students – regardless of their background or the language they speak at home – with a quality education that will prepare them for success in college or a career.
Our vision is for all students to graduate from high school having the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary to achieve academically, prosper economically, and contribute in a global society.
It is the mission of the Education Services Division to provide our students with the essential skills, attitudes, and integrity necessary to become successful, responsible citizens.
Teach. Learn. Love.
Opportunities abound in The Clark County School District (CCSD), one of the largest and fastest growing districts in the United States. Serving more than 315,000 students in a unique combination of urban and rural schools, CCSD seeks exceptional teachers, leaders and staff who are committed to helping all students thrive.
Our students come from all over the world, speaking more than 154 languages, making CCSD the ideal fit for bilingual teachers and those with experience teaching English Language Learners. CCSD is home to some of the best educators in the country, including, three Milken Award winners in the past five years.
Our focus on innovation makes us an ideal home for teachers in the high need areas of Math, Science and Special Education. During years of rapid growth, CCSD has built more than 110 new schools since 2000, including six new Career & Technical Academies and some of the top magnet schools in the nation. No matter your background or area of specialty, you will find a school that will be a perfect fit.
Opportunities abound in The Clark County School District (CCSD), one of the largest and fastest growing districts in the United States. Serving more than 315,000 students in a unique combination of urban and rural schools, CCSD seeks exceptional teachers, leaders and staff who are committed to helping all students thrive.
Teach where you can make a difference.

The Clark County School District (CCSD) serves 320,000 students – and each only has one shot at school.
I felt this urgency every day in my first year serving as your superintendent. After a 90-day listening tour throughout our community, the Board of Trustees and my team set our five-year strategic plan, Focus:2024.
One of our biggest priorities moving forward is equity – ensuring equity and access for our historically underserved and under-resourced students.
-Dr. Jesus F. Jara
Our practice
Why teach vegas?
Every day in the classroom is critical to student success. Our teachers and substitutes provide important stability in the classroom, ensuring that our students do not miss a moment of valuable learning time.
Culturally inclusive teaching practices are vital to building student engagement, increasing academic achievement, attendance, reducing behavioral issues, and enhancing the overall school/classroom unity.
CCSD’s alternative route to licensure teacher training program has a new name: the Accelerated Licensure Teacher Academy (ALTA). ALTA gives aspiring teachers an accessible, innovative, and supportive pathway to a successful career in Clark County schools. The program opens the doors to a teaching career in Clark County to anyone with the dedication and desire to lead a challenging, student-centered classroom—from college grads to career changers with a wealth of knowledge to share with our students.
Our $500 training fee plus $55 background check fee makes ALTA one of the most affordable certification programs in the nation. Participants attend a 10-week training academy and complete 20 field experience days in a CCSD classroom. Upon successful completion of the Academy, teachers can apply for a conditional teaching license.
Starting Salary
Get In Touch
Clark County School District
Human Resources Department
2832 E. Flamingo Rd.,
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Phone: (702) 799-5427
Email: recruitment@nv.ccsd.net
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 3pm
Nondiscrimination Statement
CCSD does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed/religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or age, in admission or access to, treatment or employment, or participation in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups, pursuant to federal and state laws including, but not limited to, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act.