By Wafa Hozien

Want to have a great teacher’s portfolio? This is what you need.

Every new teacher needs a teaching portfolio. A newly qualified teacher needs a great and comprehensive teaching portfolio if they are to be considered for a teaching job. You can show that dream school that they are not taking chances or risks. Everyone has at least one thing that they are great at: this is your time to shine and let your teacher portfolio to speak for itself. You are great at teaching this is the way to show it.

A portfolio shows the skills, abilities, achievements and philosophy of a teacher.  Every future teacher needs to have a portfolio to show that they are someone who should be hired for that ideal job.  A portfolio is not just for young teachers, but all future teachers need one. Portfolios need to be constantly updated as a teacher gains more experience. It becomes indispensable if a teacher is to have a successful career.

Organizing a portfolio can be a challenge and what needs to be put into it can also be a difficult task to take on.  Here are the essential five of what needs to be part of a good teacher’s portfolio.

Teaching Philosophy Statement

Philosophy of Education. In this a teacher sets out their beliefs about education.  It should include what the teacher believes that education can achieve for every student and society, in general.  The statement can include something about the teacher’s style of teaching and the best way they believe to teach students.


Every resume needs a cover letter. This will introduce the teacher to the prospective employer. It needs to be professional and respectful but not groveling.

The resume is the most important part of your portfolio. A resume should list all of your achievements and qualifications and give the potential employer a sense that you are a highly qualified individual. It needs to be professional and it may be a good idea to use a template when writing it. A good resume needs to catch the attention of the prospective employer.


Degrees and Certifications. These show that an educator is experienced and has the expertise needed for that positon. Include copies of all of your degrees, certifications and any awards that you have received in college and beyond. Everything related to the teacher’s academic qualifications needs to be in the portfolio but also awards that show that the person is a hard worker and committed. It is very important that every portfolio contains a copy of a teacher’s license.

Evidence of Teaching

Lesson Plans. Future employers will need to see evidence that a teacher can organize a lesson plan and can implement a curriculum. A portfolio should include an example of a lesson plan and evidence that it is related to the curriculum. The plan needs to be professional and attractive. It may be a good idea to provide the plan with illustrations and images of the teacher in the classroom. Make sure you have pictures of the classroom(s) that you have taught in.

Arrangement of class space and understanding how to arrange students learning space is an important component for effective teaching. Make sure that all of your lesson plans have Objectives and Checks for Understanding. By doing so, the school understands that you know how to begin and end a lesson. Examples of your students’ work and evidence of professional development need to be in the portfolio. Any workshops or certificates of learning are in this section.

Letters of Recommendation

References. These are letters that show any prospective employer that a teacher is hard-working and have the capabilities needed to be a top-class educator. These letters show employers what kind of person and a teacher you really are. By what the letter says or does not say about you, offers a great deal of information to the recruiter. These letters should be from practicum supervisors and professors.  They should speak of your mastery in certain areas.

If you follow these five easy steps to having a great portfolio, then you’re on your way to landing that ideal job!