Community Consolidated School District 15

Wonderfully diverse, child-centered community, committed to excellence for all children.Community Consolidated School District 15 — the second largest elementary district in Illinois with more than 11,000 pre-K through 8th grade students — has 15 schools serving grades K-6, 4 junior high schools serving grades 7-8, and one alternative/therapeutic school. It serves a diverse population of all or part of seven northwest suburban communities: Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Hoffman Estates, Inverness, South Barrington, Arlington Heights, and Schaumburg. The district consists of approximately 35 square miles, with residents who speak more than 80 languages or dialects.
The School District 15 staff is the most important asset. The district’s human resource development program focuses on helping each person achieve his or her highest level of productivity. A New Teacher Induction Program, currently consisting of four days of orientation and ongoing training workshops throughout the school year, is provided for all teachers new to the district. There is a Mentor Program for both new and experienced administrators and teachers, training for support staff, and technology training for all employees.
The District prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, immigration status, order of protection status, status of being homeless, military status, or unfavorable discharge from military service, or any other legally protected characteristic.
District employees are expected to demonstrate sensitivity and respect in dealing with students. The District’s prohibition against discrimination includes, but is not limited to, proscribing any employee from making any discriminatory statements, comments, or remarks to or about any student or engaging in any discriminatory conduct toward any student because of or relating to the student’s legally protected characteristic. District employees found to have violated the District’s non-discrimination or equal education policies will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other designated youth groups.
No student shall, on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage, or denied access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.
Any student may file a gender equity complaint by using the Uniform Complaint Procedure. A student may appeal the Board of Education’s resolution of the complaint to the Regional Superintendent of Schools (pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/3 10 of The School Code) and, thereafter, to the State Superintendent of Education (pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.8 of The School Code).
The superintendent appoints a nondiscrimination coordinator. The superintendent and building administrators shall inform staff members and students of this policy and grievance procedure.
Any district employee, parent, or student may file a complaint of discrimination pursuant to the Uniform Grievance Procedure (Board Policy 2:260) by bringing his or her complaint to one of the non-discrimination coordinators identified below.
About Us
School District 15 appreciates all employees and the work they do for children. Events are held each year to recognize those efforts to provide quality education. Some of these events include the Board of Education reception for retirees, acknowledgement of staff through the District’s Above and Beyond Award, and activities during American Education Week.
Administrators also work with staff members to help them gain national and regional recognition through a variety of programs. Among those programs are the National Board Certification for teachers from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, Golden Apple Award, Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program, and the Kohl/McCormick Early Childhood Teaching Award.
Our Mission
The mission of Community Consolidated School District 15 is: “To produce world-class learners by building a connected learning community.”
Community Consolidated School District 15
580 N. 1st Bank Drive
Palatine, IL 60067-8110
School Hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
On behalf of the Board of Education, I welcome you to the 2022-23 school year. If you are new to our schools, it is a pleasure to have you as part of what I know you will find to be a wonderfully diverse and child-centered District. For those of you returning, welcome back. I know I speak for our entire staff when I say we look forward to continuing to develop a strong home/school partnerships. New or returning, I am filled with anticipation for a new year of learning and growth for our students.
District 15 educates over 12,000 students in 20 schools from early childhood through eighth grade. While each school has its own unique characteristics, there are many policies and procedures that help anchor us as a District. The 2022-23 Student-Parent Handbook was designed to serve as a comprehensive reference guide for all things District 15. You will find nuts and bolts information on communication, safety, academics, and behavior to name just a few. Please take time to review the handbook and bookmark it on your favorites list for easy future reference.
As the second largest elementary District in Illinois, District 15 is well regarded within the educational community. I can confirm that it has earned its reputation through our curricular as well as extracurricular offerings, focus on ensuring all students receive what they need to grow as learners, access to support services, talented staff, and collaborative partnerships that help enhance our desire to do what is best for our students.
In addition to our student handbook, the District 15 website and mobile app are additional ways to stay connected and access information. They are both designed for ease of use on your mobile device, so you can find the information you want most about your school and District.
My commitment to you is to listen and learn from staff and families in order to advocate for the needs of all students. An active and engaged community is the foundation of a strong school system. Each of you plays an important role in what makes District 15 a great place for students to learn and grow. That said, please know my door is always open. I want to hear what’s working and where we have room to improve. Continuous improvement is what we are striving for in District 15, so keep ideas, concerns, and compliments coming.
As the Superintendent and an educator at heart, I am happy to take an active role in ensuring we continue to grow and exceed your expectations as a school system. On behalf of the Board of Education and administration, it is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the 2022-23 school year. I look forward to the coming year as we continue to focus on the academic and social emotional growth of every child every day.
Your partner in education,
Laurie Heinz, Ed.D.
Teacher Starting Salary
Career opportunities
Location: 580 N. 1st Bank Drive Palatine, IL 60067-8110
Telephone: 847-963-3000
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm
Notice of Non-Discrimination:
The District prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, immigration status, order of protection status, status of being homeless, military status, or unfavorable discharge from military service, or any other legally protected characteristic.
District employees are expected to demonstrate sensitivity and respect in dealing with students. The District’s prohibition against discrimination includes, but is not limited to, proscribing any employee from making any discriminatory statements, comments, or remarks to or about any student or engaging in any discriminatory conduct toward any student because of or relating to the student’s legally protected characteristic. District employees found to have violated the District’s non-discrimination or equal education policies will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.