2023 Campaign Partner
About Us
St. Martin Parish Public Schools is a public school district located in BREAUX BRIDGE, LA. It has 7,396 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1.

The St. Martin Parish School District will provide quality educational experiences while utilizing a TEAM approach with all stakeholders focused on SUCCESS.
To improve education through sound educational practices that enhance teaching and learning and to provide educational opportunities for all stakeholders in an effort to make the St. Martin Parish School District second to none in the region, state, and nation.
Our Philosophy
It is the philosophy of the St. Martin Parish School District that a focus on attendance, attitude, application, and acclamations while addressing high academic standards will provide a quality education for all students. Its goal is to establish a strong, comprehensive education foundation for all of its students so they may become competent, productive members of society. It operates on the premise that education is a lifelong commitment, and TOGETHER, we will make our communities a better place in which to live.

Our Recruitment
All individuals interested in a teaching position with the St. Martin Parish School Board must submit an application via our AppliTrack system. If you have any questions you may contact Angela Stoute at angela_stoute@saintmartinschools.org. Applicants must meet certification requirements as defined in the Louisiana Department of Education Bulletin 746.
Equal Opportunity Employer
We believe……
600 Corporate Boulevard
PO Box 1000, Breaux Bridge, LA 70517
Phone— (337) 332-2105