The Novi Community School District is a dynamic community whose students come from more than 50 different countries around the globe. They bring with them a variety of skills, talents, interests, learning styles, and a wide array of social and academic needs.
We are committed to accelerating student achievement, eliminating racial disparities, creating a positive school and district culture, and fostering innovation. We educate and support the whole child and prepare every student to achieve academic excellence and strength of character, so that they have the opportunity to succeed in the future.
The Novi Community School District is a place where people who are committed to meaningful change have joined together to enable student excellence. We offer challenging opportunities to individuals looking for career growth in an environment that recognizes individuals for their contributions. We are always searching for strategic thinkers, team players and innovators.
We encourage you to take the first step by applying today. The Novi Community School District uses an online application process through the Oakland Human Resources Consortium (OHRC).
We believe in:
- an equity of opportunity,
- a culture of unity,
- fostering and inspiring a curiosity of learning, and
- a community of well-being,
For all stakeholders.
The Novi Community School District will provide an equity of opportunity for each student by honing curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Instructional quality and assessment practices will be improved for all students.
The Novi Community School District will attend to the core components of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to meet the learning needs of each student.
The Novi Community School District will foster a district-wide culture of unity and well-being.
Develop and implement strategies to attract and retain high caliber, diverse, and culturally competent faculty and staff.
About Us
The Novi Community School District’s comprehensive educational program features:
- 11 preschool classes
- Five K-4 elementary schools
- One upper (5-6) elementary school
- One middle school (7-8)
- One high school
- One Virtual School
- One Career Prep High School
- One Adult Transition Center
- The district serves 6,906 K-12 students.
- The high school offers five foreign languages
- We have a diverse student population with 71 different languages and dialects spoken in the home
- The high school offers an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program
- The high school offers AP Capstone
- The average total score for the 2019 SAT among 467 juniors at Novi High School was 1206, with an average math subscore of 618 and an average English language arts subscore of 588. Based on SAT scores, 74% tested as fully college ready.
- Ranked the best school district in the state for 2023 by Listen to Superintendent Ben Mainka discuss the 2023 Niche ranking on WJR from September 2022.
- Village Oaks Elementary was one of three schools in Michigan and 67 nationwide to be named a State School of Character by
- Novi High School was recognized as a National Banner Unified Champion School by Special Olympics North America in 2020. The banner was unveiled in January 2022 at halftime of a Unified basketball game against rival Northville.
- The high school has award-winning programs in art, athletics, band, career and technical education, choir, debate, fine arts, journalism and radio and television
- The high school offers the following co-curricular activities and clubs: Art Club, Band, Cable TV Production/WOVI Radio 89.5 FM, Choir, Color Guard, Computer Club, Dance, Debate, DECA (Distributive Education Club of America), Diversity Club (SPUD), Drama/Thespian Club, FIRST Robotics, Forensics, French Club, Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA), German Club, Interact Club, HOSA , Japanese Club, Link Crew, Math Club, Model United Nations, National Honor Society, Newspaper, Orchestra, Quiz Bowl, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), Science Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Winter Drumline, Yearbook
Our District Mission
Provide impactful opportunities for all to cultivate lifelong learning.
Our District Vision
Students who are passionate, empowered, and prepared for their world and their future.
Statement of Goals
- Focus on every student
- Invest in our staff
- Partner with our community
25345 Taft Road
Novi, MI 48374
School Hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
(248) 449-1200
Ben Mainka led Swartz Creek Community Schools for the past six years, a district with about 3,600 students, roughly 2,000 fewer than Novi. The student population is also less diverse and more economically disadvantaged than Novi.
“A big difference is the level of opportunities provided to students,” Mainka said. “The resources and access to them that kids have is higher in Novi. But where I am coming from, families and the community are very supportive of schools. We were able to do a lot of great things as a community, including passing bonds and improving financial stability, and the relationships and culture within the district is something we made great improvements upon.”
Teacher Starting Salary
Career opportunities
Location:25345 Taft RoadNovi, MI 48374
Telephone: (248) 449-1200
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm