David Douglas School District No. 40 is located in East Portland.While located in the city, David Douglas is a separate district from Portland Public Schools. David Douglas School District covers 12 square miles of suburban homes, apartments, shopping centers and small businesses. It serves a community population of approximately 53,775. The David Douglas School District was formed in 1959 from three elementary districts—Gilbert, Powellhurst and Russellville and the David Douglas Union High School District. The district now includes nine elementary schools for grades kindergarten through five, three middle schools for grades six through eight, one high school for grades 9-12, and one alternative school for grades 9-12. A community aquatics center and community performing arts center are located on the high school site.
David Douglas is located in East Portland, Oregon. Our highly diverse District has a current PK-12 student enrollment 10,229 that speak over 67 languages. We have 14 schools that serve students from birth until age 21. We believe that every student’s learning experience should be fostered in an inclusive and safe environment so they can excel. We are looking for people that are willing to join a team of staff that believe that every student has the opportunity to Learn~Grow~Thrive!
MULTILINGUAL Program Mission Statement
Our mission is to implement research-based instructional approaches to ensure English Language Learners attain English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening and have meaningful access to state standards.
David Douglas Curriculum and Instruction Department
Our mission is to support all district stakeholders through clear communication, collaboration, and coordination of resources. We do this to provide an equitable and accessible education that promotes student success and college and career readiness.
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
Equal employment opportunity and treatment shall be practiced by the District regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability, if the employee, with or without reasonable accommodation, is able to perform the essential functions of the position. The District complies with legal requirements, including Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Contact the Human Resources Office for additional information and/or compliance issues.
About Us
Who are we?
The David Douglas School District was formed in 1959 as a consolidation of the Gilbert, Powellhurst, and Russellville elementary school districts and the David Douglas Union High School District We currently have ten elementary schools, three middle schools and one high school with an alternative school campus. The district is a 12 square mile rectangle and spans east from I-205 to roughly SE 142nd and from Halsey Street on the North to the Clackamas County Line (S.E. Clatsop Street) to the South.
The David Douglas School District serves over 10,330 students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Our students come from diverse backgrounds as 23.7% of our students are English Language Learners. At our last count we had 67 different languages spoken by our students.
We are proud of the many special programs we offer our students in the David Douglas School District. All of our schools have licensed music teachers, librarians, counselors, physical education teachers, as well as other curriculum specialists. We offer full-day kindergarten at all of our elementary schools.
David Douglas High School is a comprehensive high school offering a wide range of educational opportunities that acknowledge the diversity of students’ academic, career, and social needs in preparation for the future and the world of work. As ninth and tenth graders, our students receive a rigorous core academic education and choose from a varied and challenging elective program. Our eleventh and twelfth graders select one of six Career Related Learning Areas (Arts and Communication; Business and Management; Health Sciences; Industrial and Engineering Systems; or Social and Human Services). Our non-traditional high school program is at the Fir Ridge Campus and serves approximately 230 students.
Our Mission & Vision
We commit to…
* provide culturally responsive, highly effective instruction
* engage in continual professional learning and reflective practice
* establish high standards and expectations
* deliver student-centered actions
We commit to…
* develop students emotionally, socially, and academically
* collaborate with families and community partners
* promote community service as essential to ongoing learning
We commit to…
* contribute positively to our diverse society
* cultivate skills necessary for lifelong learning
* empower students to advocate for themselves
* use district resources positively
District Office
11300 NE Halsey Street
Portland, Oregon 97220
Phone: 503-252-2900
“I am humbled and grateful that the School Board has placed its trust in me to lead this great District,” Richardson said. “We have created a culture in David Douglas that prioritizes student growth and achievement and embraces the belief that every student has an unlimited capacity to learn and to thrive. We will continue this culture through collaboration and positive relationships. We have an amazing staff who believe in, and do great things for our students every day.”
Richardson attended the University of Portland, earned his Masters of Education from Lewis and Clark, and received his administrative license from the University of Portland.
He becomes the 7th superintendent in the history of the District, which was formed in 1959 with the mergers of four small districts in what was then a semi-rural area east of Portland. The District is now among Oregon’s larger urban districts, fully within the Portland city limits and among the most diverse in the state.
Starting Salary
Different Languages Spoken by Students
Career opportunities
District Office
11300 NE Halsey Street
Portland, Oregon 97220
Telephone: 503-252-2900
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm